Changes in inheritance during martial law


By Resolution No. 164 dated 28 February 2022, the government extended the terms for acquiring an inheritance. Such changes apply not only to those who died after 24 February, but also before that date.

The main features are:

  • if the death occurred before the introduction of martial law and the heir did not have time to accept the inheritance by 24 February 2022, and the six-month period did not expire on that day, he can apply to a notary public with an application to accept the inheritance during the period for which martial law was introduced in the state, as well as after its cancellation, during the period that remained as of 24 February 2022 of the established six months;
  • if the death occurred during martial law, then according to the Resolution, the six-month period of acceptance of inheritance will begin after the end or cancellation of martial law;
  • during martial law, regardless of the place of opening of the inheritance, any notary of Ukraine has the right to open an inheritance case at the request of the heir (if the notary does not have access to the Inheritance Register, he still has the right to open an inheritance case. After restoration access to such register, the notary within five working days must check the existence of the established inheritance case, inheritance contract, and will);
  • obtaining a certificate of the inheritance right during martial law is impossible;
  • obtaining a certificate of the inheritance right after martial law will be carried out according to a special procedure (if the inheritance case is not opened at the place where the inheritance was opened, it will have to be handed over to the notaries at the place of last residence of the testator for the issuance of certificates of the inheritance right).

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