New data in the State Agrarian Register


The Ministry of Agrarian Policy reported that the following functions were added to the functionality of the State Agrarian Register:

  • information of satellite maps about sowing of winter and spring crops of 2022;
  • the possibility of entering the effective date of the contract for the use of land plots.

According to the Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food for Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitization, Denys Bashlyk, such innovations will enable financial institutions to see verified information about cultivated crops and their areas directly in SAR, provided that the agricultural producer provides access to his electronic cabinet. This, in its turn, will facilitate the process of providing assistance to agricultural producers.

In addition, according to him, the synchronization of satellite map data with real information from agricultural producers will become an invaluable source of statistical information for the development and improvement of state policies in the agricultural sector, and will also make it possible to improve the quality of satellite monitoring and yield forecasting.


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